60 Second News Update - Boys and Girls Club Dancing Event Raises over $130,000
The Boys and Girls Club of Central Arizona announced April’s inaugural “Dancing for the Stars” event raised over $130,000
Tour of the West Yavapai Guidance Clinic Crisis Stabilization Unit
Laura Norman of the West Yavapai Guidance Clinic give PrescottValleyeNews.com a tour of the Crisis Stabilization Unit in this video.
Chief Freitag and CAFMA
What is CAFMA? How is it helping? What are public misconceptions of our fire department? Chief Freitag fills us in on QuadPodAZ.com
FINAL SCORE Sports Podcast for April 11, 2017
FINAL SCORE is your weekly sports podcast for the Quad Cities. High School - College - Pro Sports for Prescott, Prescott Valley and beyond.