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Firearms Training Classes at the Prescott Gun Club

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Don Grier, Owner, Prescott Gun Club podcast

Don Grier, Owner, Prescott Gun Club, Attorney, NRA Certified Firearms Instructor

In this segment of the Prescott Gun Club podcast,'s most popular show, we are discussing the types of classes offered at Prescott's only indoor, fully tactical gun range.

Don Grier, range owner, attorney, and NRA Certified Firearms Instructor shares the following info on safety and firearms training at the PGC:

1. Firearms Familiarization class - taking apart, cleaning, putting your firearm back together.

2. Basic Marksmanship class - 1.5 hrs in class and 1.5 hours on the range.

3. CCW - Concealed Carry Weapons Permit - safety, basic marksmanship, law / justification for drawing your weapon, holster draw instruction; 2-2.5 hrs on range shooting.

4. Malfunctions class - 4.0 hours

5. Tactical range / class - advanced classes - continued carry class - diversion, moving , taking cover.

6. Private lessons - train with your own NRA certified firearms instructor.

7. Events - ladies night - training drills.

8. High desert shooters every Tues night at 5:30pm

9. Church Group - Heights Church firearms training and social


  • CCW Class - May 13, 2017

  • Shoot for Life - May 20, 2017 1-2pm

  • Donating $5 per shot

  • Enter to win Ruger LCP .380


WHY: Help us raise money for the CPC Pregnancy Center

Where: PRESCOTT GUN CLUB When: MAY 20, 2017, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

For more info, go to:

The Community Pregnancy Center is a Christian, pro-life ministry that exists for the purpose of providing compassionate support and hope for those having unplanned pregnancies by providing practical help and emotional support through pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and Earn While You Learn classes for couples and men, all of which are free to the community.

Please help us support and protect the life of the unborn.

Prescott Gun Club will be holding a “Shoot for Life” event on May 20, 2017.

Each participant will donate $5.00 for each shot taken at a target and will receive 1 raffle ticket for each $5.00 donated for a chance to win a Ruger LCP. You are not required to shoot and may simply purchase a raffle ticket for $5.00 per ticket

PRIZE: Ruger LCP .380 Pistol. Odds of winning are determined by the number of entries. Winner must be 21 and pass a background check or hold a valid CCW permit.

Thank you for your support of this worthy cause!!

For more info, go to:

firearms gun training classes
MCRS Malfunctions Clearing Course Prescott Gun Club
High Desert Shooters

Shooting events gun podcast

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